The Lord Has a Plan!

3 booksJust this morning, The Lord Gave me the “go ahead” to start making plans for my first trip to Israel.  The last few years of my life have been laid down before Him, lived on a moment by moment basis, one step at a time. I’ve been through incredible hardships meant to strip the flesh, the ego, the carnal man from me; meant to cause me to “be in the world but not of it.”  I walk more in Holy Spirit now than ever before.  During this time, 4 books about Israel have been written, with others in process that dig deep into Judaism, and into the Treasures of our Jewish Messiah all throughout The Word of God.

I need to get to Israel to experience His Presence and His Instructions in HIS LANDS.  I need to meet with many Israelis to get advice on the book “How To Pray For Israel.”  When you bless this effort, you are blessing Israel.  My books help form a bridge of understanding, hope, knowledge and compassion between Christians and Jews and between America and Israel.  They help prepare people for The Second Coming by teaching them to focus on what’s important ot our Jewish Messiah.

Read the story of what happened this morning.

Thank you!